VectorScape | 矢量空间

VectorScape , the thesis project done by P_FAX ( Paulo Flores, Feng Xu, Arturo Revilla, and Xiaowei), has focused its design research on Vector Fields and Fluid dynamics as the conceptual and technical basis in the choreography of complex dynamic urban interactions.




The exploration of Vector fields as an urban tool allowed an alternative mode of addressing masterplanning strategies, not as one that is fixed but as one that is relational to possible futures. Developing different parametric systems (landscape/multiple ground condition, circulation, massing, program distribution and navigation) as a series of urban fields that correlate with one another to organize and integrate differentiated urban space.

作为流体城市概念中的流体又是什么?可以举出很多类似的流动媒介:如物流,信息流,人流,车流,金融流…….本文中, 关注的是城市的使用者—–人的流动情况。如果把每一个人看作一个水分子的话,人群的流动行为(Crowd Behaviour)与水的流动有着惊人的相似。人群(Crowd),就是城市中的流体。

The project proposal for Stratford city in East London investigates shopping as a catalyst for urban activation studying different speeds of dynamic crowd behavior to program by working with infrastructural flows and urban connectivity.


VectorScape project addresses urban space by studying different programs relations through sectional field navigation. The resolution of the vector as a design tool explores different scales and levels of spatial, structural, material and programmatic differentiation by developing vector to vector properties from a local to a global field space.


The thesis proposal seeks differentiated spatial organization through Directional Gradient field spaces of relations.

The Website Link:


Project Name: VectorScape (AA DRL thesis research project)
Team: P_FAX (Feng Xu, Paulo Flores, Arturo Revilla, Xiawei Tong)
Supervisor: Tom Verebes
Date: 2005.10-2007.1 in London

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