Shenzhen Bay Competition | 深圳湾超级城市

Fluid City

——Shenzhen Bay International Competition


The rapid urbanisation in Shenzhen in the last 30 years brings together a huge amount of flow of streams in terms of information, financial, energy, and migration.

We believe that the city is rather a fast changing dynamic system than a fixed solid state, which the development of Shenzhen has shown clearly that its evolution is adapt to those flows.

Therefore, we pursue a concept of “Fluid City”as a way to position the project into the stream of history of Shenzhen urbanisation.


“Fluid City” challenges the conception of the city as assembled permanently from hard matter and built to endure, and rather, posits the notion of urbanism as a dynamic entity which responds to the forces which shape its growth, change, evolution, and transformation over time.

“Fluid City”is also to understand the city as a series of urban fields, like fluid, constantly changing its density, speed, and intensity, to form a time-based dynamic organisation. With fluid simulation, we are able to extract the urban inputs such as traffic flow, crowd movement, environment influence and programs on site, then setup a system with those urban elements interrelated, charged by urban fields to create a dynamic urban formation. In Shenzhen Bay competition, we are specially interested in:

– How could crowd movement drive the distribution of programs?

– How to reconsider the urban formation to enhance the connectivities between site and context?

– How to control the environment factors to create urban sustainability?


Fluid Experiment on Site
Fluid experiment is examining how different types of crowd movement on site could potentially drive program distribution and navigation, where the differentiation of speed, density, and directionality influence the way how urban massing is accumulated and interacted.

By analysing different programs of the surrounding area in terms of office, residential, hotel and commercial, we are able to setup multiple urban fields and urban input for the site.

The overall urban formation is bridging the isolated blocks, connecting the city infrastructure and the central park to create a unique urban space, where urban activities and urban massing are integrate into a seamless urban interface.

Three towers together with the central park create a parabolic skyline from the axis view, which presents the vision of “City Gateway”in Shenzhen Bay.

Developing different urban systems (landscape/multiple ground condition, circulation, massing, program distribution and navigation) as a series of urban fields that correlate with one another to organise and integrate differentiated urban space.

Program Distribution and Mixing
A gradient transformation has been generated for program distribution from podium to tower top, where the programs are more mixed and flexible on podium and central park than on towers.








– 由人群流动而驱动城市功能的分配、混合、更新;

– 空间和形态的流动性使得设计区域城市功能与周边项 目联系更加紧密,形成整体的标志性;




红色和蓝色分别代表不同目的、不同速度和不同属性的人群,观察在一天的时间段内,在场地中是如何变化,如何混合,形成动态的场地组织。人群流动的过程中,形成的城市力场,以矢量的方式标示在场地不同位置,人群的密度和速度。这个流体分析的目的是关注通过人群的移动,如何在场地中建立城市力场,同时人群的流动如何 潜在的驱动城市功能的分布(不同的城市功能可以通过不同颜色的人群流动来达成),以及城市 质量(Urban Massing) 的密度和强度如何随时间变化,形成动态的聚集和分布。



“流动融合” ——城市形态的生成


“流动融合”的城市形态回应了深圳湾竞赛的主题,那就是二十一世纪深圳新的城 市中心区有别于以往所有其他城市中心区的形态, 它将为深圳湾城市公共活动提供 一个开放的、连续的、立体化的平台。其无缝、连续、流动的城市形象加强了信息 社会的开放性和全方位的自由度,将成为世界瞩目的亮点。


“抛物线” ——城市之门


“层级系统” ——城市形态组织



1,“有厚度的公园”——地下的功能和交通流线链接各个地 块,同时与中央公园结合在一起,城市整个场地区域的基础 设施平台。

2,“复合的裙房”——各个地块的裙房有机的融合在一起, 形态与复杂的功能很好的适配在一起,往上联系各个塔楼, 向下链接城市基础设施。

3,“分布式的结构”——有厚度的中央公园有机会容纳各种 市民活动,其复合的屋顶结构,将根据功能空间的大小,结 构的密度和构件大小也相应适应。

4,“绿化平台”——中央公园不仅仅是2维的平面绿化,它 将与各种城市公共活动结合在一起,成为一个三维的立体的 绿化景观,联系北侧公园和南侧海滨,为场地提供一个绿色 的生态的平台。

5,“生长的塔楼”——高层来自于水平流动的力量集聚,它 不是孤立的,不论结构和形态都与整体的形态力场相关联, 三栋超高层塔楼是城市力场从水平向垂直的涌动,暗示着这 组建筑对海洋波浪自然力量的尊重。


Project Name: Shenzhen Bay “Super City” International Competition

Date: 2014.3-5

Design Team: Feng Xu, Nikolaus Wabnitz, Hao Jiaqi, Yang Shilun, Yan Menxia